Yesterday was an interesting day. I started off with our daily parody, then moved on to the story in most classes, then went on to source cards. I didn't start the 1001 Nights Festival in my 3rd period class on Monday because they wouldn't be quiet and listen to what I had to say. I was surprised yesterday when one of my troublemakers in the class asked me why I read to my other classes and not to theirs. She then asked if I was going to read to them yesterday. I said probably not because they wouldn't be quiet long enough for me to, and as one of the ringleaders, she quieted the class down and listened attentively as I read the first part of 1001 Arabian Nights. I was really excited about the reaction I got for the daily story. Most of the students seem to like it, and even the ones who are too cool to like being read to were upset when I stopped in the middle of the story (which is the point of the 1001 Nights Festival).
Today we had the reading part of the Chunk test. They students complained a bit, but settled down and were pretty good for Chunk day. I suddenly became overwhelmingly tired during sixth period, but I got through the day. This was hump day, so I have one week and three days until finals, and then four days until break. Yay! I love my job, but with scholastic audit coming up, I'm stressed to the max. I can't wait until January is over! :)